Chicks on Lit

Written by and for women who read books other than romance novels. And like them.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rhett Butler's People

I'm about halfway through with it, and I gotta say, I'm not hating it. Sometimes when people write these spinoffs, I'm majorly disappointed, but this guy is pretty fast paced and follows the Gone With The Wind timeline pretty well. I got the hardback super cheap (13 bucks), but even though it may not be work full price hardback, it's probably worth the cost of a tradeback or paperback.

Happy Reading!


Monday, December 03, 2007

The Wild and Crazy Guy Explains Everything

OK, not exactly.

Steve Martin wrote a memoir called Born Standing Up.

I love Steve Martin. I've seen clips from his wacky stand-up days and "get" the arrow-through-the-head gag. I was 18 before I knew what a placebo was, but I laughed anyway.

Ben Yagoda gave the book a pretty good review in Slate this week.

Janet Maslin didn't hate it.

I want to read it! (And I think Clo does and she'd better not buy it.)