Chicks on Lit

Written by and for women who read books other than romance novels. And like them.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rhett Butler's People

I'm about halfway through with it, and I gotta say, I'm not hating it. Sometimes when people write these spinoffs, I'm majorly disappointed, but this guy is pretty fast paced and follows the Gone With The Wind timeline pretty well. I got the hardback super cheap (13 bucks), but even though it may not be work full price hardback, it's probably worth the cost of a tradeback or paperback.

Happy Reading!



At Fri Dec 21, 10:30:00 AM EST, Blogger Lizzy Wednesday said...

You know what? The review I read actually made me curious about reading that one.

Of course, I still haven't read GWTW. I only saw the film; Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable are awesome in it, but Scarlett is SO loathsome that I am having a lot of trouble rationalizing reading the book. Maybe I will feel differently after actually making it through, but right now I am working on quick-hits.

At Tue Jan 08, 08:52:00 PM EST, Blogger Sara Crecelius (AND YOU GUYS!) said...

I haven't either. You really don't need to know GWTW to a vast extent to read it. He does tie in some of the scenes from GWTW (I think so you understand the timeline), but they are pretty well-known scenes.


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