Chicks on Lit

Written by and for women who read books other than romance novels. And like them.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anything good?

I have had a lot of snoozers lately. (Although The Story Sisters was pretty decent.) Got any suggestions? I am about to read Ya-Yas in Bloom, we'll see how that one goes.

There was a great podcast on Stuff Moms Never Told You (from HowStuffWorks) where they were talking about "chick lit." Really interesting stuff. If you have a chance, you guys should pull it from iTunes. ;o)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Oh Noes! We Forgot Our Book Blog!

Yeah, I know, it's been quiet around here for a while now.

In the last (almost) year, I've finished the 1st 3 Percy Jackson books and the 1st 8 Sookie Stackhouse books and the 1st 4 Harry Dresden books, 4 of the 5 Lily Bard books and have a stack comprised of Harry Dresden, Lily Bard and Aurora Teagarden.

I've joined the Charlaine Harris official fansite at (the ladies there are wonderful and Ms. Harris actually posts there too ... it's quite refreshing to have a link to an author I am enjoying!)

I also got locked out of my account (don't ask) and had a ton of family news creep up on me.

Now I'm back and in business. But my next posting will have to wait for a bit; I need to figure out what I'm going to blog about!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Thanks Clo!

OK, so I was in Target the other day picking up some last-minute items for the Avon Walk NYC 2008 (like reversible workout shorts - pink and black - and cable-knit "thigh highs" that ended up being knee socks) and lo-and-behold, what do I see in front of me in the books section but Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief ... a book Clo told me about a while ago.

I needed a lightweight book to read on the train anyway, and since it was under $10 for the paperback, I picked it up. It's HILARIOUS so far.

Oh, I am now addicted. Thanks Clo.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Summer Reading

So far I can recommend two books for summer, if you trust the slightly obsessed readaholic that I am for advise. ;o)

The Host: A Novel

The Idiot Girl and the Flaming Tantrum of Death: Reflections on Revenge, Germophobia, and Laser Hair Removal

Happy Reading -

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Summer Reading, Anyone?

So, I'm not unemployed yet and I want to read something this summer. Possibly lots of somethings. It doesn't have to be fluffy, nor does it have to be heavy.

I fully intend on reading both The Last Lecture and The Road this year. And maybe I will start reading some Stephenie Meyer ... her first novel for adults, The Host, looks REALLY interesting. And who doesn't like a good suspense story? So, her young adult novels are also on the list. Starting with Twilight.

I've already finished rereading the Narnia books (except The Last Battle) and I've read the last Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book. (I wasn't disappointed, but I am a little regretful that it's over.)

What else is out there?

What about the new David Sedaris book - When You Are Engulfed in Flames ?
Or what about the Steve Martin autobiography - Born Standing Up ?

Suggestions anyone?

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Story of Forgetting

This book was awesome. Please read the reviews, read the book, and let me know if you agree.

The Story of Forgetting

L8rs -

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I have already posted multiple times about how little I enjoy reading reviews written by the NY Times's Michiko Kakutani, so it was odd that I'd enjoyed this one. Michiko went on and on about how touching and believable this book is .... and, as of today (3/5/08) you can still read the first chapter online at the Times!

The reason I enjoyed it so much was because it's for a memoir that was recently retracted by its publisher because it's a complete fabrication.

Is it wrong to rejoice in Michiko's public flogging? Not today.

REVIEW: Love and Consequences: A Memoir of Hope and Survival (Margaret B. Jones)

This should just prove that anyone who uses the word "argot" in their review deserves to be taken down a peg or two.