Chicks on Lit

Written by and for women who read books other than romance novels. And like them.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Everything's Connected

So, one of my favorite TV shows is CSI: Crime Scene Investigation which I've been watching in reruns on Spike for the past year.

For Christmas this year, Matthew gave me a book that was recommended on if someone were interested in forensics or a fan of CSI, The Forensic Investigation Handbook.

I recently finished reading Prisoner of Trebekistan: A Decade in JEOPARDY! which is, on its face, about one of America's favorite game shows, Jeopardy!, for which I have taken (and passed) the contestant test.

Prisoner... was written by Bob Harris, a comedian and jack-of-all-trades from Cleveland (OH) who, oddly enough, has written for . . . CSI

Oh yes, everything is connected.

Which is one of the first lessons you will learn if you ever visit the dimension that is "Trebekistan."